animal charcoal

Animal Charcoal Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

Animal charcoal, also known as bone black or bone char, is a type of charcoal made from the bones of animals. It is commonly used in various industries, including agriculture, medicine, and water purification. The term “animal charcoal” is pronounced as “jandar koyla” in Urdu.

Meanings of Animal Charcoal in Urdu

1. جانوروں کا کوئلہ (janwaron ka koyla) – This refers to the charcoal made from animal bones.

2. ہڈیوں کا کوئلہ (hadiyon ka koyla) – This meaning specifically highlights the use of bones for making charcoal.

3. جانوری کوئلہ (janwari koyla) – This term emphasizes the animal origin of the charcoal.

Synonyms of Animal Charcoal

1. Bone black (ہڈی سیاہ)

2. Bone char (ہڈی کوئلہ)

3. Animal carbon (جانوری کاربن)

Antonyms of Animal Charcoal

1. Plant charcoal (پودے کا کوئلہ) – Charcoal made from plant material.

2. Synthetic charcoal (مصنوعی کوئلہ) – Artificially produced charcoal.

Nearby Words

1. Animal (noun) – جانور (janwar) – A living organism that feeds on organic matter.

2. Charcoal (noun) – کوئلہ (koyla) – A black, porous form of carbon, obtained by heating wood or other organic substances in the absence of air.

Origin of the Word Animal Charcoal

The term “animal charcoal” originated from the combination of the words “animal” and “charcoal.” It was first used in the early 19th century to describe the charcoal made from animal bones.

Example Sentences

1. Animal charcoal is commonly used in water filters to remove impurities.

2. The pharmaceutical industry utilizes animal charcoal for its adsorbent properties.

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