air cushion

Air Cushion Pronunciation

The pronunciation of air cushion is [air kush-uhn].

Air Cushion Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of air cushion in Urdu can be translated as:

  1. ہوا کا تکیہ
  2. ہوا بھرا تکیہ
  3. ہوائی تکیہ

Origin of the Word Air Cushion

The word “air cushion” originated from the combination of the words “air” and “cushion.” The term refers to a cushion or pad filled with air, providing support and comfort.

Synonyms of Air Cushion

Some synonyms of air cushion include:

  • Air pad
  • Air pillow
  • Air mattress

Antonyms of Air Cushion

Antonyms of air cushion in Urdu are:

  1. سخت تکیہ (Hard cushion)
  2. بے تکیہ (Without cushion)
  3. سخت پلستک تکیہ (Hard plastic cushion)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to air cushion are:

  • Noun: Airbag (ہوا بیگ)
  • Noun: Airfield (ہوائی میدان)
  • Noun: Airline (ہوائی خط)
  • Noun: Airplane (ہوائی جہاز)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. She sat comfortably on the air cushion. (وہ ہوا کے تکیے پر آرام سے بیٹھی)
  2. He prefers sleeping on an air cushion. (وہ ہوا بھرے تکیے پر سونا پسند کرتا ہے)
  3. The camping trip was made more enjoyable with the use of air cushions. (ہوا کے تکیوں کے استعمال سے کیمپنگ کا سفر مزید لطیفہ مند ہوا)

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