air conditioning

Air Conditioning Pronunciation

Air conditioning is pronounced as “air kuhn-dish-uh-ning”.

Air Conditioning Meaning in Urdu

Air conditioning is known as “ہوا کنڈیشننگ” in Urdu. Other meanings include:

  • ہوا کنڈیشننگ کا نظام
  • ہوا کنڈیشننگ کا طریقہ کار
  • ہوا کنڈیشننگ کا نظام یا طریقہ کار

Origin of the Word Air Conditioning

The term “air conditioning” originated from the combination of the words “air” and “conditioning”. It was first used in the early 20th century to describe the process of controlling the temperature, humidity, and air quality in indoor spaces.

Synonyms of Air Conditioning

Synonyms for air conditioning include:

  • Cooling system
  • Climate control
  • Air cooling
  • AC

Antonyms of Air Conditioning

Antonyms for air conditioning in Urdu are:

  • گرمی
  • بے ہوا
  • بے تنفس

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to air conditioning are:

  • Air
  • Airbag (noun) – ہوا بیگ
  • Airborne (adjective) – ہوائی
  • Aircraft (noun) – ہوا وسیلہ
  • Airfield (noun) – ہوائی میدان

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • The office building is equipped with air conditioning. (دفتری عمارت میں ہوا کنڈیشننگ کا سامان ہے۔)
  • Please turn on the air conditioning, it’s too hot in here. (براہ کرم ہوا کنڈیشننگ چالو کریں، یہاں بہت گرمی ہے۔)
  • The air conditioning system needs to be serviced regularly. (ہوا کنڈیشننگ کا نظام بار بار سروس کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔)

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