
Anomy Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings of انومی

Anomy, also spelled as anomie, is a term that originated from the Greek word “anomia,” meaning “lawlessness” or “lack of norms.” It refers to a state of social disorder or instability resulting from a breakdown of social norms, values, or regulations. In Urdu, anomy can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of انومی in Urdu:

  • قانون کی عدم پابندی (lack of adherence to laws)
  • معیاروں کی عدم پابندی (lack of adherence to standards)
  • معاشرتی نظام کی تباہی (destruction of social order)

Synonyms of Anomy:

1. Lawlessness – بے قانونی

2. Disorder – بےترتیبی

3. Chaos – افراتفری

Antonyms of Anomy:

1. Order – ترتیب (Urdu Meaning: ترتیب)

2. Stability – استحکام (Urdu Meaning: استحکام)

3. Harmony – ہم آہنگی (Urdu Meaning: ہم آہنگی)

Nearby Words:

1. Anomalous (Adjective) – غیر معمولی

2. Anonymity (Noun) – ناشناسی

3. Anonymously (Adverb) – ناشناس طور پر

Origin of the Word Anomy:

The term “anomy” was first introduced by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his book “The Division of Labor in Society” published in 1893. Durkheim used the term to describe a state of normlessness or moral confusion that arises when social norms and values are weakened or disrupted.

Example Sentences:

1. The anomy in the country has led to a rise in crime rates. (ملک میں انومی کی وجہ سے جرائم کی شرح میں اضافہ ہوا ہے۔)

2. The anomy in the workplace is affecting employee morale. (کام کی جگہ پر انومی کا اثر ملازمین کی حوصلہ افزائی پر اثر انداز ہو رہا ہے۔)

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