
Affianced Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Affianced is pronounced as /əˈfaɪənst/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “mangni shuda” (منگنی شدہ) or “mangni hui” (منگنی ہوئی).

Affianced Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of affianced in Urdu includes:

  • “منگنی شدہ” (mangni shuda) – engaged
  • “منگنی ہوئی” (mangni hui) – betrothed
  • “منگیت کرنا” (mangayat karna) – to engage

Origin of the Word Affianced

The word “affianced” originated from the Middle English word “affiauncen,” which came from the Old French word “afiancier.” It is derived from the Latin word “affīdāre,” meaning “to trust.”

Synonyms of Affianced

Some synonyms of affianced include:

  • Engaged
  • Betrothed
  • Promised
  • Plighted
  • Spoken for

Antonyms of Affianced

Antonyms of affianced in Urdu include:

  • “غیر منگیت شدہ” (ghair mangni shuda) – unmarried
  • “غیر منگیت ہوئی” (ghair mangni hui) – not engaged

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to affianced with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Adjective:
  • “Engaged” – “منگنی شدہ” (mangni shuda)
  • “Betrothed” – “منگنی ہوئی” (mangni hui)
  • Verb:
  • “Engage” – “منگیت کرنا” (mangayat karna)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using affianced along with their Urdu meanings:

  • “They are affianced to be married next month.” – “وہ لوگ منگنی شدہ ہیں کہ اگلے مہینے شادی کریں گے۔”
  • “She is my affianced wife.” – “وہ میری منگنی شدہ بیوی ہے۔”


For more information on the word “affianced,” you can refer to the following sources:

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