bad luck

Bad Luck Meaning in Urdu: بد قسمتی کا مطلب

Bad luck, or بد قسمتی in Urdu, refers to unfortunate events or circumstances that bring about negative outcomes. It is believed to be a result of fate or destiny. Here are a few meanings of bad luck in Urdu:

  • بدنصیبی: This term is used to describe the state of being unlucky or unfortunate.
  • بدقسمتی: It signifies the concept of having a string of bad luck or experiencing unfortunate incidents.
  • بدتقسیمی: This term emphasizes the idea of having a fate that is marked by misfortune.

Synonyms of Bad Luck:

There are several synonyms for bad luck in Urdu, including:

  • بدنصیبی: Misfortune
  • بدقسمتی: Unluckiness
  • بدتقسیمی: Ill-fate

Bad Luck Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of bad luck in Urdu is as follows: “bad qismati”.


Antonyms of bad luck in Urdu include:

  • اچھا نصیب: Good fortune
  • خوش قسمتی: Luckiness
  • اچھا تقسیم: Favorable fate

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to bad luck, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Adversity (noun): مصیبت
  • Catastrophe (noun): آفت
  • Misfortune (noun): بدنصیبی
  • Tragedy (noun): سانحہ

Origin of the Word Bad Luck:

The word “bad luck” originated from the combination of the Old English word “bad” meaning “evil” or “unfavorable” and the Middle Dutch word “luck” meaning “fortune” or “happiness.”

Examples Sentences:

  1. میری بد قسمتی کا کوئی انتہائی خوبصورت حل نکلا۔ (My bad luck turned into an incredibly beautiful solution.)
  2. بد قسمتی کی وجہ سے میرا پیارا گھر تباہ ہوگیا۔ (My beloved house was destroyed due to bad luck.)
  3. بد قسمتی کی بجائے، اس کا تقسیم بہتر ہوسکتا تھا۔ (Instead of bad luck, his fate could have been much better.)

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