
Arrect Meaning in Urdu: اٹھا ہوا

Arrect is an adjective that means “raised or erect.” It is derived from the Latin word “arrectus,” which also means “erect.” In Urdu, the meaning of arrect is اٹھا ہوا.

Synonyms of Arrect:

  • Upright – کھڑا
  • Erect – کھڑا
  • Raised – اٹھا ہوا
  • Vertical – عمودی

Antonyms of Arrect:

  • Lowered – نیچے
  • Flat – ہموار
  • Horizontal – افقی
  • Prostrate – سجدہ کرنا

Nearby Words:

  • Arrear (Noun) – باقی رہ جانا
  • Arrest (Verb) – گرفتار کرنا
  • Arrival (Noun) – آمد
  • Arrogant (Adjective) – مغرور

Origin of the Word Arrect:

The word arrect originated from the Latin word “arrectus,” which is the past participle of “arrigere” meaning “to raise up.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He stood arrect, ready to face any challenge. (وہ اٹھا ہوا کھڑا تھا، کسی بھی چیلنج کا سامنا کرنے کے لئے تیار)
  2. The arrect hairs on the back of his neck indicated his fear. (اس کے گردن کے پیچھے اٹھا ہوا بال اس کی خوف کی علامت تھی)

For more information about the word “arrect,” you can visit the following links:

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