
Arrest Meaning in Urdu: احتجاز

Arrest is a verb that means to take someone into custody, typically by a law enforcement officer. It can also refer to the act of stopping or restraining someone or something. In Urdu, the word “احتجاز” is used to convey the meaning of arrest.

Synonyms of Arrest:

  • Apprehend – گرفتار کرنا
  • Detain – روکنا
  • Seize – قبضہ کرنا
  • Confine – قید کرنا

Antonyms of Arrest:

  • Release – رہا کرنا
  • Free – آزاد کرنا
  • Allow – اجازت دینا
  • Permit – اجازت دینا

Nearby Words:

  • Arrested (Adjective) – گرفتار
  • Arresting (Adjective) – دلچسپ
  • Arrestee (Noun) – گرفتار شدہ
  • Arrestor (Noun) – روکنے والا

Origin of the Word Arrest:

The word “arrest” originated from the Middle English word “aresten” which means “to stop, delay, seize.” It can be traced back to the Old French word “arester” and the Latin word “arrestare” which have similar meanings.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The police arrested the thief. (پولیس نے چور کو گرفتار کیا)
  2. He was arrested for his involvement in the crime. (اس کی جرم میں شاملی کی وجہ سے اسے گرفتار کیا گیا)
  3. The sudden noise arrested my attention. (ناگہانی آواز نے میری توجہ کو روک دیا)

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