
Asian Meaning in Urdu: ایشیائی

Asian is a term used to describe people, cultures, and languages originating from the continent of Asia. In Urdu, Asian is translated as “ایشیائی” (Aishiayi). The word Asian can have various meanings in different contexts, including:

Meanings of Asian in Urdu:

  • Relating to or originating from Asia – ایشیا سے تعلق رکھنے والا
  • A person from Asia – ایشیا کا باشندہ
  • Asian cuisine – ایشیائی کھانا

Synonyms of Asian:

Some synonyms of Asian include:

  • Oriental – مشرقی
  • Eastern – مشرقی
  • Asianic – ایشیائی

Antonyms of Asian:

Antonyms of Asian with their Urdu meanings:

  • Non-Asian – غیر ایشیائی
  • Western – مغربی
  • European – یورپی

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to Asian with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Asia (Noun) – ایشیا
  • Asiatic (Adjective) – ایشیائی
  • Asiaticism (Noun) – ایشیائی پن

Origin of the Word Asian:

The word Asian originated from the Latin word “Asiaticus” and the Greek word “Asiaticos,” both meaning “pertaining to Asia.” It was later adopted into English and other languages to refer to people and things associated with the continent of Asia.

Example Sentences:

  1. I love trying different Asian cuisines. (مجھے مختلف ایشیائی کھانوں کا آزمانا پسند ہے۔)
  2. She is proud of her Asian heritage. (وہ اپنی ایشیائی وراثت پر فخر کرتی ہے۔)
  3. Asian countries have diverse cultures and traditions. (ایشیائی ممالک مختلف ثقافتوں اور روایات رکھتے ہیں۔)

For more information about the term “Asian,” you can visit the following websites: