
Affectingly: A Word That Touches the Heart

Affectingly is an adverb that is used to describe something that evokes strong emotions or feelings. It is pronounced as uh-fek-ting-lee. In Urdu, affectingly can be translated as “دلچسپی سے” (dilchspi se) or “جذباتی طور پر” (jazbati tor par).

Origin of the Word Affectingly

The word affectingly is derived from the verb “affect,” which means to have an influence on or to produce a change in something. The suffix “-ingly” is added to the word “affect” to form the adverb “affectingly.”

Synonyms of Affectingly

Some synonyms of affectingly include touchingly, movingly, poignantly, and emotionally.

Antonyms of Affectingly

Antonyms of affectingly include unemotionally (غیر جذباتی طور پر), coldly (ٹھنڈے دل سے), and indifferently (بے پرواہی سے).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to affectingly are:

  • Adjective: Affecting (اثرانداز)
  • Noun: Affectation (تکلیف)
  • Adverb: Affectively (اثراندازی سے)

Examples Sentences

1. The movie’s ending was so affectingly beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. (فلم کا اختتام دلچسپی سے خوبصورت تھا کہ میری آنکھوں میں آنسو آ گئے۔)

2. She spoke affectingly about her childhood memories. (وہ اپنی بچپن کی یادوں کے بارے میں دلچسپی سے بات کرتی تھی۔)


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