
Affecting: How Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu are Impacted

When it comes to language, pronunciation plays a crucial role in conveying meaning. In Urdu, the word “affecting” is no exception. Let’s explore how this word affects pronunciation and meaning in Urdu, its origin, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, and provide example sentences.

Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The pronunciation of “affecting” in Urdu is [uh-fek-ting]. In Urdu, the word can be translated into various meanings:

  • متاثر کرنے والا (mutasir karnay wala) – Influencing
  • دل کو چھو جانے والا (dil ko chho janay wala) – Touching the heart
  • متاثر کن (mutasir kun) – Moving

Origin of the Word Affecting

The word “affecting” originated from the Latin word “afficere,” meaning “to influence or move emotionally.” Over time, it evolved into the Middle English word “affecten,” which eventually became “affecting” in modern English.

Synonyms of Affecting

Some synonyms of “affecting” include:

  • Touching – چھو جانے والا (chho janay wala)
  • Moving – متحرک (mutaharrik)
  • Influential – تاثیرانداز (tasir andaaz)

Antonyms of Affecting

Antonyms of “affecting” include:

  • Unimpressive – غیر موثر (ghair mawazir)
  • Unemotional – بے حس (be hiss)
  • Insensitive – بے حس (be hiss)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “affecting” include:

  • Affect – اثر (asar) (noun)
  • Affection – محبت (mohabbat) (noun)
  • Affected – متاثر (mutasir) (adjective)
  • Affectation – تکلف (takalluf) (noun)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using “affecting” in Urdu:

  1. وہ فلم بہت متاثر کرنے والی تھی۔ (That movie was very affecting.)
  2. اس کہانی نے میرے دل کو چھوا۔ (This story touched my heart.)
  3. ان کے الفاظ مجھ پر متاثر کرتے ہیں۔ (Their words affect me.)

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