
Anaesthetize Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Pronunciation, and Examples

Anaesthetize is a verb that is commonly used in medical contexts. It refers to the act of administering anesthesia to someone, causing them to lose sensation or consciousness temporarily. In Urdu, anaesthetize can be translated as “بے حس کرنا” (be hiss karna) or “نشہ دینا” (nasha dena).

Synonyms of Anaesthetize:

  • Numbed (بے حس کرنا)
  • Sedate (نشہ دینا)
  • Stupefy (بے حس کرنا)

Antonyms of Anaesthetize:

  • Awaken (جاگنا)
  • Stimulate (تحریک دینا)
  • Revive (بحال کرنا)

Nearby Words:

  • Anaesthesia (Noun) – بے حسی
  • Anaesthetic (Noun) – بے حس کرنے والی دوا
  • Anaesthetist (Noun) – بی حسی کا ماہر طبیب

Origin of the Word Anaesthetize:

The word “anaesthetize” originated from the combination of the Greek prefix “an-” meaning “without” and the Greek word “aisthēsis” meaning “sensation.” It was first used in the mid-19th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The dentist will anaesthetize your gums before the procedure. (دانت ساز آپ کے منہ کے مسئلے سے پہلے آپ کے مسواک کرے گا۔)
  2. The surgeon anaesthetized the patient before the operation. (جراح نے آپریشن سے پہلے مریض کو بے حس کیا۔)

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