
Amok Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

Amok is an English word that has been borrowed from the Malay language. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “aamok” (آموک). The term has multiple meanings in Urdu, including:

Meanings of Amok in Urdu:

  • 1. پاگل ہو کر خون خوار ہونا (Paagal ho kar khoon khar hona) – To go mad and become a bloodthirsty killer.
  • 2. بے قابو ہونا (Be qabu hona) – To lose control or become uncontrollable.
  • 3. بے ترتیب ہونا (Be tarteeb hona) – To be in a state of disorder or chaos.

Synonyms of Amok:

Some synonyms of amok include:

  • 1. Frenzied (بیخبر)
  • 2. Rampageous (بے قابو)
  • 3. Berserk (پاگل)

Antonyms of Amok:

Antonyms of amok in Urdu are:

  • 1. Controlled (قابو میں)
  • 2. Orderly (ترتیب سے)
  • 3. Sane (صحیح عقل والا)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to amok, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • 1. Amoral (Adjective) – غیر اخلاقی
  • 2. Amorphous (Adjective) – بے شکل
  • 3. Amorous (Adjective) – عاشقانہ

Origin of the Word Amok:

The word “amok” originated from the Malay language, specifically from the word “amuk” which means “attacking furiously.” It was first recorded in English in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences using the word “amok” in Urdu:

  1. 1. وہ آموک چلایا اور لوگوں کو خون کی پیاس لگ گئی۔ (He went amok and people became thirsty for blood.)
  2. 2. جنگل میں بھوت آموک چل رہا ہے۔ (A ghost is running amok in the jungle.)
  3. 3. بچوں کو دیکھ کر وہ آموک چل پڑا۔ (He went amok after seeing the children.)

For more information about the word “amok,” you can visit the following websites:

By understanding the meaning and usage of “amok” in Urdu, you can effectively communicate and comprehend its context in various situations.