
Already: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “already” is pronounced as /ɔːlˈrɛdi/ in English. In Urdu, it is commonly known as “پہلے ہی” (pehle hi), “پہلے سے” (pehle se), or “پہلے ہی سے” (pehle hi se).

Origin of the Word Already

The word “already” originated from the Middle English phrase “al redi,” which means “all ready.” Over time, it evolved into the single word we use today.

Synonyms of Already

Some synonyms of “already” include:

  • Previously (پہلے سے)
  • Beforehand (پہلے سے)
  • By now (اب تک)
  • Earlier (پہلے)

Antonyms of Already

Antonyms of “already” with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Not yet (ابھی تک نہیں)
  • Still (ابھی بھی)
  • Later (بعد میں)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “already” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Alreadiness (noun) – پہلے ہی تیاری
  • Already-made (adjective) – پہلے سے تیار شدہ
  • Alreadinesses (noun) – پہلے ہی تیاریاں

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “already” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. I have already finished my homework. (میں نے پہلے ہی اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل کر لیا ہے۔)
  2. She had already left when I arrived. (جب میں پہنچا تو وہ پہلے ہی چلی گئی تھی۔)
  3. Have you already eaten dinner? (کیا تم نے پہلے ہی رات کا کھانا کھا لیا ہے؟)


To learn more about the word “already,” you can visit the following sources: