
Anesthetized Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Usage

Anesthetized is an adjective that refers to the state of being under the influence of anesthesia, a medical condition induced to eliminate pain during surgery or medical procedures. In Urdu, anesthetized can be translated as “بے حس” (be hiss), “بے ہوش” (be hosh), or “بے دماغ” (be dimagh).

Synonyms of Anesthetized

1. Unconscious – “بےہوش” (be hosh)

2. Numb – “سن” (sun)

3. Sedated – “نشہ آور” (nasha aawar)

Antonyms of Anesthetized

1. Awake – “جاگتا” (jagta)

2. Conscious – “ہوشیار” (hoshiyar)

3. Sensible – “سمجھدار” (samajhdar)

Nearby Words

1. Anesthesia (Noun) – “بے حسی” (be hissi)

2. Anesthesiologist (Noun) – “بے حسی کا ماہر” (be hissi ka mahir)

3. Anesthetic (Noun) – “بے حس کرنے والی دوا” (be hiss karne wali dawa)

Origin of the Word Anesthetized

The word “anesthetized” originated from the Greek word “anaisthēsis,” which means “insensibility” or “lack of feeling.” It was first used in the medical context in the mid-19th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. After the surgery, the patient remained anesthetized for several hours. (جراحی کے بعد، مریض کچھ گھنٹے تک بے حس رہا۔)

2. The dentist anesthetized my gums before extracting the tooth. (دانت نکالنے سے پہلے میرے مسوڑوں کو بے حس کیا گیا۔)

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