
Adjusting Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Adjusting pronunciation and meaning in Urdu is essential for effective communication. It allows individuals to understand and be understood accurately. Here are some insights into adjusting pronunciation and meaning in Urdu:

Origin of the Word Adjusting

The word “adjusting” originated from the Latin word “adiustare,” which means “to make right.” It entered the English language in the 17th century and has since become an important term in various fields.

Synonyms of Adjusting

1. Adapting (توسیع کرنا)
2. Modifying (ترمیم کرنا)
3. Altering (تبدیل کرنا)
4. Changing (تبدیل کرنا)
5. Tweaking (ترتیب دینا)

Antonyms of Adjusting

1. Disturbing (پریشان کرنا)
2. Disrupting (خراب کرنا)
3. Misaligning (غلط ترتیب دینا)
4. Confusing (الجھانا)
5. Disorganizing (بے ترتیب کرنا)

Nearby Words

1. Adjustment (ترتیب)
2. Adjuster (ترتیب کار)
3. Adjustable (قابل ترتیب)
4. Adjusted (ترتیب شدہ)
5. Adjustive (ترتیبی)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. She is adjusting her schedule to accommodate the new project. (وہ اپنا شیڈول ترتیب دینے کے لئے اپنے آپ کو مطابقت دے رہی ہے۔)
2. The tailor is adjusting the measurements of the dress. (درزی کپڑے کی پیمائش ترتیب دے رہا ہے۔)
3. He needs to adjust his attitude towards his colleagues. (اسے اپنے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ رویے کو ترتیب دینے کی ضرورت ہے۔)

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