
Abrogates: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abrogates is a verb that is pronounced as “ab-ruh-geyt”. It is derived from the Latin word “abrogātus”, which means “to repeal or annul”. In Urdu, abrogates can be translated as:

  • منسوخ کرنا (Mansookh Karna)
  • منسوخ کردینا (Mansookh Kar Dena)
  • منسوخی کرنا (Mansookhi Karna)

Origin of the Word Abrogates

The word abrogates originated from the Latin term “abrogāre”, which is a combination of “ab” (away) and “rogāre” (to ask or propose a law). It refers to the act of repealing or annulling a law, agreement, or custom.

Synonyms of Abrogates

Some synonyms of abrogates include:

  • Repeals (منسوخ کرتا ہے)
  • Revokes (منسوخ کرتا ہے)
  • Nullifies (منسوخ کرتا ہے)
  • Cancels (منسوخ کرتا ہے)

Antonyms of Abrogates

Antonyms of abrogates with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Enacts (قانون بناتا ہے)
  • Establishes (قائم کرتا ہے)
  • Implements (لاگو کرتا ہے)
  • Preserves (محفوظ رکھتا ہے)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abrogates, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Abrogate (verb) – منسوخ کرنا
  • Abrogated (adjective) – منسوخ شدہ
  • Abrogating (verb) – منسوخ کرتا ہوا
  • Abrogation (noun) – منسوخی

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using abrogates along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The government abrogates outdated laws. (حکومت پرانے قوانین منسوخ کرتی ہے)
  • The court abrogated the controversial decision. (عدالت نے متنازعہ فیصلے کو منسوخ کیا)
  • He abrogated the contract due to breach of trust. (انہوں نے اعتماد کی خلاف ورزی کی بنا پر عقدہ منسوخ کیا)

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