
Badger Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Badger, known as “Bhainsa” in Urdu, has various meanings depending on the context. Here are a few:

1. Noun: بیگر

Meaning: A nocturnal mammal with a grey and black coat, native to North America, Europe, and Asia.

2. Verb: پریشان کرنا

Meaning: To pester or annoy persistently.

3. Verb: دھمکانا

Meaning: To intimidate or threaten someone.

Synonyms of Badger

Synonyms of badger include:

  • Harass (تنگ کرنا)
  • Annoy (پریشان کرنا)
  • Pester (تنگ کرنا)
  • Trouble (پریشانی)

Badger Pronunciation

The pronunciation of badger is [baj-er] in English.


Antonyms of badger in Urdu:

  • Ignore (نظر انداز کرنا)
  • Assist (مدد کرنا)
  • Support (حمایت کرنا)

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to badger:

  • Badgered (Verb): پریشان کیا
  • Badgering (Noun): پریشانی
  • Badge (Noun): نشان
  • Bad (Adjective): برا

Origin of the Word Badger

The word “badger” originated from the Middle English word “bageard” or “badgeard,” which means “brock” or “digging animal.” It is derived from the Old French word “bacheor” or “bacheur,” meaning “digger.”

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He badgered her with questions. (وہ اسے سوالات سے پریشان کرتا رہا۔)
  2. Don’t badger him; he’s busy. (اسے تنگ نہ کرو؛ وہ مصروف ہے۔)
  3. The boss badgered him to finish the report. (باس نے اسے رپورٹ مکمل کرنے کیلئے دھمکایا۔)

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Now that you know the various meanings, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, and origin of the word “badger” in Urdu, you can use it confidently in your conversations and writing!