
Bacterium Meaning in Urdu: ایک جرثومہ

Bacterium is a noun that refers to a single-celled microorganism that can cause disease or fermentation. In Urdu, it is translated as “ایک جرثومہ”. Bacterium is the singular form of the word, while the plural form is bacteria.

Synonyms of Bacterium:

  • Microbe – جیوندہ جسم
  • Germ – جرثومہ
  • Virus – وائرس

Bacterium Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of bacterium is [bak-teer-ee-uhm].


  • Antibiotic – ضد جراثیم دوا
  • Disinfectant – جراثیم مار دینے والی دوا

Nearby Words:

  • Bacterial (Adjective) – جراثیمی
  • Bacteriology (Noun) – جراثیمیات
  • Bacteriologist (Noun) – جراثیمیات دان

Origin of the Word Bacterium:

The word “bacterium” originated from the Greek word “baktērion,” meaning “small staff.” It was first used in the late 19th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The doctor prescribed antibiotics to kill the bacterium causing the infection. (ڈاکٹر نے جراثیم کو مارنے کے لئے ضد جراثیم دوا تجویز کی)
  2. Proper hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. (مناسب صحت بخش عمل کرنے سے نقصان دہ جراثیم کا پھیلاؤ روکا جا سکتا ہے)

For more information about bacterium, you can visit the following websites: