
Annually Meaning in Urdu: ایک سال میں ایک بار

Annually is an adverb that means “once a year” or “yearly.” In Urdu, it is translated as “ایک سال میں ایک بار.” Here are a few other meanings of annually in Urdu:

  • سالانہ – Yearly
  • ہر سال – Every year
  • سالانہ طور پر – On an annual basis

Synonyms of Annually:

1. Yearly (سالانہ)

2. Once a year (ایک سال میں ایک بار)

3. Every year (ہر سال)

Antonyms of Annually:

1. Monthly (ماہانہ) – Meaning in Urdu: Each month (ہر مہینے)

2. Weekly (ہفتہ وار) – Meaning in Urdu: Each week (ہر ہفتے)

3. Daily (روزانہ) – Meaning in Urdu: Each day (ہر روز)

Nearby Words:

1. Annual (Adjective) – سالانہ

2. Annalist (Noun) – تاریخ نگار

3. Annalistic (Adjective) – تاریخ نگاری سے متعلق

Origin of the Word Annually:

The word “annually” originated from the Latin word “annus,” meaning “year.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

1. We celebrate our anniversary annually. (ہم ہر سال یوم جشن مناتے ہیں۔)

2. The company holds its annual meeting in December. (کمپنی دسمبر میں اپنی سالانہ میٹنگ کرتی ہے۔)

3. The school organizes a sports day once a year. (اسکول سالانہ ایک بار ایک کھیل دن منعقد کرتا ہے۔)

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