Annulled Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings
The word “annulled” is commonly used in English to refer to the act of canceling or invalidating something. In Urdu, it can be translated into various meanings:
1. تنسیخ کرنا (Tansikh Karna)
Meaning: To revoke or nullify
Example: ان کا نکاح تنسیخ کر دیا گیا۔ (Their marriage was annulled.)
2. منسوخ کرنا (Mansookh Karna)
Meaning: To abolish or repeal
Example: حکومت نے اس قانون کو منسوخ کر دیا ہے۔ (The government has annulled this law.)
3. ختم کرنا (Khatam Karna)
Meaning: To terminate or end
Example: ان کا تعاون ختم کر دیا گیا ہے۔ (Their cooperation has been annulled.)
Synonyms of Annulled
Some synonyms of “annulled” include:
- Revoked (تنسیخ شدہ)
- Invalidated (غیر معتبر)
- Cancelled (منسوخ)
- Abolished (منسوخ)
- Repealed (منسوخ)
Antonyms of Annulled
Here are some antonyms of “annulled” along with their Urdu meanings:
- Valid (درست)
- Effective (کارآمد)
- Enforced (لاگو)
- Operative (عملی)
- Legal (قانونی)
Nearby Words
Here are some words related to “annulled” along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:
- Annulment (Noun) – تنسیخ
- Annihilate (Verb) – مٹا دینا
- Annihilation (Noun) – تباہی
- Announcer (Noun) – اعلان کرنے والا
- Annual (Adjective) – سالانہ
Origin of the Word Annulled
The word “annulled” originated from the Latin word “annullare,” which means “to make null.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.
To explore more about the meaning and usage of “annulled,” you can visit the following sources:
By understanding the various meanings, synonyms, and antonyms of “annulled,” you can effectively incorporate this word into your vocabulary and communication.