
Approached Meaning in Urdu: تقریباً

Approached is the past tense of the verb “approach,” which means to come near or closer to someone or something. It can also refer to making a request or suggestion to someone. In Urdu, approached can be translated as “تقریباً” which means “almost” or “nearly.”

Synonyms of Approached:

  • Neared (نزدیک)
  • Advanced (آگے بڑھا)
  • Reached (پہنچا)
  • Converged (مل گئے)

Antonyms of Approached:

  • Retreated (پیچھے ہٹا)
  • Withdrew (واپس لے لیا)
  • Receded (پیچھے ہٹ گئی)
  • Departed (چلے گئے)

Nearby Words:

  • Approach (verb) – تقریب کرنا
  • Approachable (adjective) – قابل رسائی
  • Approachability (noun) – قابلیت رسائی
  • Approachless (adjective) – بے تقریب

Origin of the Word Approached:

The word “approach” originated from the Old French word “aprochier,” which came from the Late Latin word “appropiare.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “ad” meaning “to” and “prope” meaning “near.”

Example Sentences:

  1. I approached the teacher for help with my assignment. (میں نے اپنے تسک کے لئے استاد سے مدد کی درخواست کی)
  2. The car approached the intersection slowly. (گاڑی آہستہ آہستہ چوراہے کی طرف بڑھی)
  3. We approached the problem from a different angle. (ہم نے مسئلے کو مختلف زاویے سے تقریب کی)

For more information about the word “approached,” you can visit the following links: