background music

Background Music Meaning in Urdu: تصویری آواز

Background music, also known as تصویری آواز in Urdu, refers to the musical accompaniment that plays softly in the background of various audiovisual mediums such as movies, TV shows, advertisements, and presentations. It is designed to enhance the overall experience by creating a specific mood or atmosphere without overpowering the main content.

Synonyms of Background Music:

  • تصویری موسیقی
  • پس منظر کی آواز
  • موسیقی کی تصویر

Background Music Pronunciation:

[bak-ground myoo-zik]


  • Front Music – سامنے کی آواز
  • Foreground Music – پہلو میں آواز

Nearby Words:

  • Background (Noun) – پس منظر
  • Music (Noun) – موسیقی
  • Meaning (Noun) – معنی
  • Urdu (Noun) – اردو

Origin of the Word Background Music:

The term “background music” originated in the early 20th century, combining the words “background” and “music.” It gained popularity with the rise of cinema and the need for accompanying soundtracks to enhance the visual experience.

Example Sentences:

  1. میں نے اپنی پریزنٹیشن کے لئے تصویری آواز ترتیب دی ہے۔ (I have arranged background music for my presentation.)
  2. فلم کی تصویری آواز نے مجھے واقعی دلچسپی سے دیکھنے پر مجبور کیا۔ (The background music of the movie compelled me to watch it with great interest.)

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