
Background Meaning in Urdu: تاریخچہ

Background is a commonly used term that refers to the circumstances or events that precede and provide context for a particular situation or event. In Urdu, background is translated as “تاریخچہ” which literally means “history” or “chronicle”.

Synonyms of Background:

  • History – تاریخ
  • Past – گزشتہ
  • Context – سیاق و سباق
  • Heritage – ورثہ

Background Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of background in English is /ˈbækˌɡraʊnd/. However, in Urdu, it is pronounced as “taareekhcha”.


  • Present – حاضر
  • Foreground – سامنے
  • Current – موجودہ
  • Immediate – فوری

Nearby Words:

  • Back – (noun) پیچھے
  • Backbone – (noun) ریڑھ کی ہڈی
  • Backfire – (verb) الٹ پلٹ کام کرنا
  • Backlash – (noun) مخالفت

Origin of the Word Background:

The word “background” originated in the mid-17th century and is a combination of “back” and “ground”. It refers to the idea of something being in the background, behind the main focus or subject.

Example Sentences:

  1. His criminal background prevented him from getting the job. (اس کی جرائم کی تاریخچہ نے اسے نوکری سے روک دیا۔)
  2. She comes from a humble background. (وہ ایک عاجزانہ تاریخچہ سے تعلق رکھتی ہے۔)
  3. The artist used a plain background to highlight the main subject. (فنکار نے مرکزی موضوع کو نمایاں کرنے کے لئے سادہ تاریخچہ استعمال کیا۔)

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