
Airconditioned Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Airconditioned is pronounced as “air-kuh n-dish-uh nd” in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “hawaa se munsalik”.

Airconditioned Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of airconditioned in Urdu includes:

  • ہوا سے منسلک (hawaa se munsalik)
  • ہوا کنڈیشن والا (hawa kandishan wala)
  • ہوا کنڈیشن کیا ہوا (hawa kandishan kya hawa)

Origin of the Word Airconditioned

The word airconditioned originated from the combination of “air” and “conditioned”. It was first used in the early 20th century to describe a system or device that controls and regulates the temperature, humidity, and air quality of an enclosed space.

Synonyms of Airconditioned

Synonyms of airconditioned include:

  • Cooled
  • Chilled
  • Refrigerated
  • Climate-controlled

Antonyms of Airconditioned

Antonyms of airconditioned with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • غیر معتدل (ghair mutadil) – Unconditioned
  • بے ہوا کنڈیشن (be hawa kandishan) – Unairconditioned
  • بے ہوا کنڈیشن کیا ہوا (be hawa kandishan kya hawa) – Unairconditioned

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to airconditioned with their parts of speech and meanings in Urdu are:

  • Air (noun) – ہوا (hawa)
  • Conditioned (adjective) – مشروط (mashroot)
  • Condition (noun) – حالت (haalat)
  • Temperature (noun) – درجہ حرارت (darjah hararat)
  • Humidity (noun) – نمی (nami)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word airconditioned along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The office building is fully airconditioned. (دفتری عمارت مکمل طور پر ہوا سے منسلک ہے۔)
  • We need to get the airconditioning system repaired. (ہمیں ہوا کنڈیشننگ سسٹم مرمت کروانی ہوگی۔)
  • The hotel rooms are airconditioned for the guests’ comfort. (ہوٹل کے کمرے مہمانوں کی آرام و سکونت کے لئے ہوا سے منسلک ہیں۔)

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