
Accented: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Accented is pronounced as /ˈæksɛntɪd/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “تاکید کیا گیا” (takheed kiya gaya). The word “accented” is derived from the verb “accent,” which means to emphasize or stress a particular sound or syllable in speech. It is commonly used to describe the pronunciation of words or the emphasis placed on certain syllables within a word.

Synonyms of Accented

1. Stressed (تاکید کیا گیا)

2. Emphasized (تاکید کیا گیا)

3. Prominent (نمایاں)

4. Highlighted (نمایاں)

Antonyms of Accented

1. Unstressed (غیر تاکید کیا گیا)

2. Unemphasized (غیر تاکید کیا گیا)

3. Unprominent (غیر نمایاں)

4. Unhighlighted (غیر نمایاں)

Nearby Words

1. Accentuate (verb) – تاکید کرنا

2. Accentuation (noun) – تاکید

3. Accent (noun) – لہجہ

4. Accent (verb) – لہجہ ڈالنا

Example Sentences

1. His accented English made it difficult for others to understand him. (اس کا تاکید کیا گیا انگریزی میں دوسروں کو اسے سمجھنا مشکل بنا دیتا تھا۔)

2. The teacher accented the importance of proper pronunciation. (استاد نے درست تلفظ کی اہمیت پر تاکید کی۔)

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