
Artesian Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

Artesian is an English word that has been borrowed from the French word “artésien.” It is pronounced as “ahr-tee-zhuhn” in English. In Urdu, artesian can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of Artesian in Urdu:

  1. آبی چشمہ (Aabi Chashma) – A water spring
  2. آبی چشمے سے متعلق (Aabi Chashmay Se Mutaliq) – Related to a water spring
  3. آبی چشمے کا (Aabi Chashmay Ka) – Of a water spring

Synonyms of Artesian:

1. Spring (چشمہ – Chashma)

2. Fountain (چشمہ – Chashma)

3. Well (کنویں – Kunwayn)

Antonyms of Artesian:

1. Dry (خشک – Khushk)

2. Arid (بے پانی – Be Pani)

3. Barren (بنجر – Banjar)

Nearby Words:

1. Artery (noun) – شاہ رگ (Shaah Rag)

2. Artful (adjective) – چالاک (Chalak)

3. Articulate (adjective) – صاف بات کرنے والا (Saaf Baat Karne Wala)

Origin of the Word Artesian:

The word “artesian” originated from the region of Artois in France, where artesian wells were first drilled. These wells tap into confined aquifers, allowing water to rise to the surface without the need for pumping. The term “artesian” was first used in the English language in the early 19th century.

Example Sentences:

1. The artesian well provided clean and fresh water to the village. (آبی چشمہ گاؤں کو صاف اور تازہ پانی فراہم کرتا تھا۔)

2. The artesian springs in this area are a source of natural beauty. (اس علاقے میں آبی چشمے قدرتی خوبصورتی کا ذریعہ ہیں۔)

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