artesian well

Artesian Well: Meaning and Pronunciation in Urdu

An artesian well, known as “بارشی چشمہ” in Urdu, is a type of well that taps into a confined aquifer, where water is under pressure and rises to the surface without the need for pumping. The pronunciation of artesian well in Urdu is “baarshi chashma”.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • بارشی چشمہ: A well that brings water to the surface under natural pressure.
  • بارشی چشمہ کا کنواں: A well drilled into a confined aquifer.
  • بارشی چشمہ کا پانی: Water obtained from an artesian well.


1. بارشی چشمہ کا کنواں (Confined Aquifer Well)

2. بارشی چشمہ کا پانی (Artesian Water)


1. غیر بارشی چشمہ (Non-artesian Well)

2. بارشی چشمہ کا کنواں نہ ہونا (Lack of Confined Aquifer Well)

Nearby Words:

1. Aquifer (Noun) – زمینی پانی کی تہ

2. Pressure (Noun) – دباو

3. Pumping (Noun) – پمپ کرنا


The term “artesian” comes from the region of Artois in France, where the first known artesian wells were drilled. These wells were named after the region and became popular worldwide.

Example Sentences:

1. بارشی چشمے سے پانی نکل رہا ہے۔ (Water is coming out from the artesian well.)

2. میرے گاؤں میں بارشی چشمہ ہے جو ہمیشہ پانی فراہم کرتا ہے۔ (There is an artesian well in my village that always provides water.)

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