Aes Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu
Aes is pronounced as “es” in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “ایس”.
Meanings of Aes in Urdu
1. Aes کا مطلب ہے “ایس” ۔
2. Aes کا دوسرا مطلب ہے “ایس” ۔
Origin of the Word Aes
The word “aes” is derived from the Latin word “aes” meaning “copper” or “bronze”.
Synonyms of Aes
1. Synonym 1: Copper (تانبا)
2. Synonym 2: Bronze (کانسی)
Antonyms of Aes
1. Antonym 1: Silver (چاندی)
2. Antonym 2: Gold (سونا)
Nearby Words
1. Nearby Word 1: Aerial (ادھوں)
2. Nearby Word 2: Aesthetics (جمالیات)
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
1. The statue was made of aes. (مجسمہ تانبے سے بنایا گیا تھا۔)
2. The ancient civilization used aes for various purposes. (قدیم تہذیب نے مختلف مقاصد کے لئے ایس استعمال کیا۔)
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