
Aconite Pronunciation

Aconite is pronounced as uh-kon-ahyt.

Aconite Meaning in Urdu

Aconite is known as “بچھو” in Urdu. Other meanings include:

  • زہریلی بوٹی
  • بچھو کی جڑ
  • بچھو کی پتی

Origin of the Word Aconite

The word “aconite” originates from the Latin word “aconitum” which means “a poisonous plant”.

Synonyms of Aconite

Some synonyms of aconite include:

  • Monkshood
  • Wolfsbane
  • Blue Rocket

Antonyms of Aconite

Antonyms of aconite with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Safeenah (سفینہ) – Safe
  • Amn (امن) – Peace
  • Khushgawar (خوشگوار) – Pleasant

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aconite with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Verb: Poison (زہر دینا), Kill (مارنا)
  • Noun: Plant (پودا), Herb (جڑی بوٹی)
  • Adjective: Toxic (زہریلی), Deadly (مہلک)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using aconite along with their Urdu meanings:

  • She accidentally ingested aconite and fell ill. (وہ بھول کر بچھو کھا گئی اور بیمار ہوگئی۔)
  • He used aconite to poison his enemy. (اس نے دشمن کو زہر دینے کے لئے بچھو استعمال کیا۔)
  • Aconite is a highly toxic plant. (بچھو ایک زہریلی بوٹی ہے۔)

For more information about aconite, you can visit the following websites: