
Ants Meaning in Urdu: A Comprehensive Guide

Ants, known as “tittar” or “chunti” in Urdu, are small insects that belong to the family Formicidae. They are highly organized social creatures that live in colonies and are found all over the world. Let’s explore the various aspects of ants, including their pronunciation, meanings in Urdu, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, origin, example sentences, and reliable sources for further information.

Pronunciation of Ants

The word “ants” is pronounced as [ants] in English.

Meanings of Ants in Urdu

In Urdu, “tittar” and “chunti” are the common meanings of ants.

Synonyms of Ants

  • Formicidae – چیونٹیاں
  • Insects – کیڑے
  • Bugs – کیڑے

Antonyms of Ants

  • Humans – انسان
  • Giants – بڑے
  • Elephants – ہاتھی

Nearby Words

  • Anthill (Noun) – چیونٹیوں کا ٹیلا
  • Antenna (Noun) – انٹینا
  • Anticipate (Verb) – توقع کرنا

Origin of the Word Ants

The word “ants” originated from Middle English and Old English, which can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “andiz.” Its ultimate origin is uncertain.

Example Sentences

  • The ants were busy collecting food for their colony. (چیونٹیاں اپنے ٹکڑے کے لئے کھانا جمع کرنے میں مصروف تھیں۔)
  • She watched in awe as the ants worked together to build their anthill. (وہ حیرت سے دیکھتی رہی جبکہ چیونٹیاں ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ مل کر اپنا ٹیلا بنا رہی تھیں۔)

Reliable Sources for Further Information

For more detailed information about ants, you can visit the following websites:


By exploring the meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and examples of ants in Urdu, you can gain a better understanding of these fascinating creatures and their significance in the natural world.