Agricultural Marketing: Meaning and Pronunciation
Agricultural marketing, pronounced as “ag-ri-kuhl-cherl mahr-ki-ting,” refers to the process of buying and selling agricultural products. It involves various activities such as production, processing, packaging, transportation, and distribution of agricultural goods to consumers.
Meaning in Urdu
In Urdu, agricultural marketing can be translated as “زرعی مارکیٹنگ” or “زرعی تجارت”.
Origin of the Word Agricultural Marketing
The term “agricultural marketing” originated from the combination of the words “agricultural” and “marketing.” The word “agricultural” relates to farming and cultivation, while “marketing” refers to the activities involved in promoting and selling products.
Synonyms of Agricultural Marketing
Some synonyms of agricultural marketing include:
- Farm marketing
- Rural marketing
- Agribusiness
- Agrarian marketing
Antonyms of agricultural marketing in Urdu:
- زرعی خرید و فروخت کا نظام (System of agricultural buying and selling)
- زرعی تجارت کا نظام (System of agricultural trade)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to agricultural marketing are:
- Noun: Agriculture (زراعت)
- Noun: Market (مارکیٹ)
- Noun: Product (پروڈکٹ)
- Noun: Consumer (صارفین)
- Noun: Distribution (تقسیم)
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
Here are a few example sentences that illustrate the usage of agricultural marketing:
- زرعی مارکیٹنگ کے ذریعے کسانوں کو اچھی قیمتوں پر ان کا محصول فروخت کیا جاتا ہے۔ (Through agricultural marketing, farmers sell their produce at good prices.)
- زرعی تجارت کی تشہیر کے لئے مختلف تشہیری اداروں کو جوابدہی دی جاتی ہے۔ (Various promotional agencies are responsible for advertising agricultural trade.)
For more information on agricultural marketing, you can visit the following websites: