
Alligators: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu


Alligators are pronounced as “al-i-gey-terz”.

Meaning in Urdu

Alligators are known as “مگرمچھ” in Urdu. Some other meanings include:

  • مگرمچھ کا جوڑا – Pair of alligators
  • مگرمچھ کی کھال – Alligator skin
  • مگرمچھ کی چمڑی – Alligator leather

Origin of the Word

The word “alligator” originated from the Spanish word “el lagarto,” which means “the lizard.” It was later anglicized to “alligator.”


Synonyms for alligators include:

  • Crocodile
  • Gator
  • Caiman


Antonyms for alligators in Urdu are:

  • بندر – Monkey
  • بھالو – Bear
  • بھیڑیا – Wolf

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to alligators are:

  • Noun: مگرمچھ کا بچہ – Baby alligator
  • Adjective: مگرمچھ کی طرح – Like an alligator
  • Verb: مگرمچھ کا شکار کرنا – To hunt alligators

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • The alligator basks in the sun. (مگرمچھ سورج کی روشنی میں لیٹتا ہے۔)
  • The alligator snapped its jaws shut. (مگرمچھ نے اپنی چبوں کو بند کر دیا۔)
  • She was terrified when she saw an alligator in the river. (وہ ڈر گئی جب وہ نے دریا میں مگرمچھ دیکھی۔)

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