
Abuse Pronunciation

The word “abuse” is pronounced as uh-byoos.

Abuse Meaning in Urdu

The word “abuse” has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. تشدد کرنا (tashaddud karna) – to mistreat or harm someone physically or emotionally
  2. بد سلوکی کرنا (bad sulooki karna) – to behave rudely or disrespectfully towards someone
  3. غلط استعمال کرنا (ghalat istemaal karna) – to use something incorrectly or inappropriately
  4. توہین کرنا (tauheen karna) – to insult or offend someone

Origin of the Word Abuse

The word “abuse” originated from the Middle English word “abusen” which means “to misuse” or “to deceive.” It can be traced back to the Latin word “abūsus” which means “misuse” or “waste.”

Synonyms of Abuse

Some synonyms of abuse include:

  • Mistreatment – تشدد (tashaddud)
  • Ill-treatment – بدسلوکی (bad sulooki)
  • Insult – توہین (tauheen)
  • Offense – توہین (tauheen)
  • Harassment – تنگ کرنا (tang karna)


Antonyms of abuse with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Kindness – مہربانی (mehrbani)
  • Respect – عزت (izzat)
  • Appreciation – تعریف (ta’reef)
  • Compliment – تعریف کرنا (ta’reef karna)
  • Support – حمایت (himaayat)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abuse:

  • Abusive (adjective) – تشدد آمیز (tashaddud ameez)
  • Abuser (noun) – تشدد کنندہ (tashaddud kunnandah)
  • Abused (adjective) – تشدد کیا گیا (tashaddud kiya gaya)
  • Abusing (verb) – تشدد کرنا (tashaddud karna)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He abused his power and mistreated his subordinates. (وہ اپنی طاقت کا تشدد کیا اور اپنے تحتوں کے ساتھ بدسلوکی کی۔)
  2. She felt deeply hurt by the abuse hurled at her. (اسے اس سے گہری طرح توہین کی گئی سے دکھ پہنچا۔)
  3. Using foul language is a form of abuse. (گندی زبان استعمال کرنا ایک قسم کی توہین ہے۔)

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