
Abused Pronunciation

Pronunciation of the word “abused” is often mispronounced as /əˈbjuːzd/ instead of the correct pronunciation /əˈbyo͞ozd/. The incorrect pronunciation can lead to confusion and misunderstanding in communication.

Abused Meaning in Urdu

The word “abused” has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. تشدد کیا گیا (tashaddud kiya gaya) – meaning “subjected to violence”
  2. بد سلوکی کیا گیا (bad sulooki kiya gaya) – meaning “treated with disrespect”
  3. مسخ کیا گیا (maskh kiya gaya) – meaning “made fun of”

Origin of the Word Abused

The word “abused” originated from the Middle English word “abusen” which means “to misuse” or “to mistreat.” It can be traced back to the Latin word “abūsus” which means “misused” or “wasted.”

Synonyms of Abused

Some synonyms of “abused” include:

  • Ill-treated – برا سلوک کیا گیا (bura sulook kiya gaya)
  • Mistreated – بدسلوکی کیا گیا (bad sulooki kiya gaya)
  • Exploited – استعمال کیا گیا (istemaal kiya gaya)

Antonyms of Abused

Some antonyms of “abused” include:

  • Respected – عزت کی (izzat ki)
  • Valued – قدر دی (qadar di)
  • Treated well – اچھا سلوک کیا (acha sulook kiya)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “abused” are:

  • Abuse (noun) – تشدد (tashaddud)
  • Abuser (noun) – تشدد کنندہ (tashaddud kandah)
  • Abusing (verb) – توہین کرنا (tauheen karna)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He was abused by his stepfather. (وہ اپنے سٹیپ فادر کی زیرِ اثر تشدد کیا گیا۔)
  2. She felt abused when her ideas were constantly ignored. (جب اس کی تجاویز مستقل طور پر نظرانداز کی جاتیں تو وہ بد سلوکی کیا گیا محسوس کرتی تھی۔)
  3. The comedian abused the audience by making offensive jokes. (مزاحیہ اداکار نے تشدد کیا گیا جنرل عوام کو ناگوار مذاق سنا کر۔)

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