
Adroitness: A Skillful and Clever Ability

Adroitness, pronounced as “uh-droit-ness,” is a noun that refers to the quality of being skillful, clever, or adept in handling situations or tasks. It is derived from the French word “adroite,” meaning “right-handed” or “skillful.”

Adroitness Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, adroitness can be translated as:

  • ہنرمندی (hunarmandi)
  • چالاکی (chalaaki)
  • مہارت (meharat)

Origin of the Word Adroitness

The word adroitness originated from the Old French word “adroite,” which means “right-handed.” This term was associated with skill and dexterity, as right-handedness was considered more skillful in various activities.

Synonyms of Adroitness

Some synonyms of adroitness include:

  • Skillfulness
  • Dexterity
  • Cleverness
  • Expertise
  • Proficiency

Antonyms of Adroitness

Antonyms of adroitness, along with their Urdu meanings, are:

  • Clumsiness – بے ہنری (be hunri)
  • Ineptitude – ناقابلیت (naqabiliat)
  • Incompetence – نااہلی (na-ahli)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to adroitness, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Adroitly (adverb) – ہنرمندی سے (hunarmandi se)
  • Adroitnesses (plural noun) – ہنرمندیاں (hunarmandiyan)
  • Adroit (adjective) – ہنرمند (hunarmand)
  • Adroitness (noun) – ہنرمندی (hunarmandi)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences illustrating the usage of adroitness:

  1. He handled the delicate situation with adroitness. (وہ نازک صورتحال کو ہنرمندی سے سنبھالا۔)
  2. Her adroitness in solving puzzles impressed everyone. (اس کی پہیلیوں کو حل کرنے کی ہنرمندی نے سب کو متاثر کیا۔)
  3. The adroitness of the magician left the audience in awe. (جادوگر کی ہنرمندی نے حاضرین کو حیران کر دیا۔)

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