aegle marmelos

Aegle Marmelos Pronunciation

The correct pronunciation of Aegle Marmelos is “ee-guhl mar-muh-lohs”.

Aegle Marmelos Meaning in Urdu

Aegle Marmelos is known as “Bel” in Urdu. Some other meanings of Bel in Urdu include:

  • بیل کا درخت (Bel ka darakht) – Bael tree
  • بیل کا پھل (Bel ka phal) – Bael fruit
  • بیل کا پودا (Bel ka poda) – Bael plant

Origin of the Word Aegle Marmelos

The word “Aegle” is derived from the Greek word “aigle” meaning “radiance” or “splendor”. “Marmelos” is derived from the Portuguese word “marmelo” meaning “quince”.

Synonyms of Aegle Marmelos

Some synonyms of Aegle Marmelos include:

  • Bael
  • Wood Apple
  • Stone Apple
  • Bengal Quince

Antonyms of Aegle Marmelos

Antonyms of Aegle Marmelos in Urdu:

  • غیر مفید (Ghair mufeed) – Useless
  • ناقابل استعمال (Naqabil istemaal) – Ineffective
  • بے فائدہ (Be faida) – Worthless

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Aegle Marmelos with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Belief (noun) – عقیدہ (Aqeedah)
  • Belittle (verb) – تحقیر کرنا (Tahqeer karna)
  • Belligerent (adjective) – جنگجو (Jangju)
  • Bellwether (noun) – رہنما (Rahnuma)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using Aegle Marmelos along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The bael fruit is known for its medicinal properties. (بیل کا پھل اپنی دوائیاتی خوبیوں کی وجہ سے مشہور ہے۔)
  • I enjoy eating wood apples during the summer. (میں گرمیوں میں بیل کے پھل کھانے کا لطف اٹھاتا ہوں۔)
  • The bael tree is native to India. (بیل کا درخت بھارت کا اصلی پودا ہے۔)

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