
Ap?pa?rat?us Meaning in Urdu: اپارٹس

Ap?pa?rat?us is a noun that is pronounced as “uh-par-uh-tuhs”. It is derived from the Latin word “apparatus” which means “equipment” or “tools”. In Urdu, it is translated as “آلات” (aalaat), “سازوسامان” (sazo-saman), and “تیاری” (tayyari).

Synonyms of Ap?pa?rat?us:

  • Equipment – آلات (aalaat)
  • Tools – اوزار (awzaar)
  • Device – آلہ (aala)
  • Instrument – آلہ (aala)

Antonyms of Ap?pa?rat?us:

  • Inefficiency – بے ترتیبی (be tarteebi)
  • Disorganization – بے ترتیبی (be tarteebi)
  • Impracticality – غیر عملی (ghair amli)
  • Inadequacy – ناکافی (nakafi)

Nearby Words:

  • Apparatuses (Noun) – آلات (aalaat)
  • Apparatus (Noun) – آلہ (aala)
  • Apparatus (Noun) – سازوسامان (sazo-saman)
  • Apparatus (Noun) – تیاری (tayyari)

Origin of the Word Ap?pa?rat?us:

The word “apparatus” originated in the late 16th century from Latin, where it meant “equipment” or “machinery”. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The laboratory is equipped with the latest scientific apparatus. (لیبارٹری میں تازہ ترین سائنسی آلات موجود ہیں۔)
  2. He used a specialized apparatus to measure the temperature. (اس نے درجہ حرارت ناپنے کے لئے ایک مخصوص آلہ استعمال کیا۔)
  3. The firefighters arrived with their firefighting apparatus. (فائر فائٹرز اپنے آگ بجھانے کے آلات کے ساتھ پہنچ گئے۔)

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