
Baddest Meaning in Urdu:

Baddest is an English slang term that is used to describe something or someone as the “worst” or “most extreme” in a negative sense. In Urdu, the word “baddest” can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of Baddest in Urdu:

  • بدترین (Badtareen)
  • سب سے برا (Sab Se Bura)
  • خراب ترین (Kharab Tareen)

Synonyms of Baddest:

Some synonyms of baddest include:

  • Worst (بدترین)
  • Nastiest (سب سے برا)
  • Most terrible (خراب ترین)

Baddest Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of baddest is [bad-ist].


Antonyms of baddest with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Best (بہترین)
  • Finest (خوبصورت)
  • Excellent (عمدہ)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words to baddest with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Bad (Adjective) – برا
  • Bade (Noun) – بڑا
  • Badge (Noun) – نشان

Origin of the Word Baddest:

The word “baddest” is a superlative form of the adjective “bad.” It is derived from the Old English word “bæddel” which means “hermaphrodite” or “effeminate man.” Over time, the meaning of “bad” evolved to represent something negative or of poor quality.

Example Sentences:

  1. He is the baddest person I have ever met. (وہ سب سے برا شخص ہے جس سے میں نے کبھی ملے ہیں۔)
  2. This is the baddest movie I have ever seen. (یہ سب سے بری فلم ہے جو میں نے کبھی دیکھی ہے۔)
  3. She has the baddest temper. (اس کا سب سے برا غصہ ہے۔)

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