
Ascendent Meaning in Urdu: اردو میں اسکینڈنٹ کا مطلب

Ascendent, pronounced as “uh-sen-duhnt,” is an English word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of ascendent in Urdu include:

  1. اوپر کی طرف بڑھتا ہوا (adjective) – rising or moving upwards
  2. اعلیٰ مقام پر (adjective) – occupying a higher position
  3. ماورائی (noun) – a position of dominance or influence

Synonyms of Ascendent:

1. Dominant (اہم)

2. Superior (اعلی)

3. Prevailing (غالب)

Antonyms of Ascendent:

1. Subordinate (ماتحت)

2. Inferior (کم تر)

3. Weak (کمزور)

Nearby Words:

1. Ascendancy (noun) – افضلیت

2. Ascend (verb) – بلند ہونا

3. Ascent (noun) – اوپر کی طرف چڑھائی

Origin of the Word Ascendent:

The word “ascendent” originated from the Latin word “ascendens,” which is the present participle of “ascendere” meaning “to ascend.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

1. His influence in the company is ascendent. (اس کا اثر کمپنی میں بڑھتا ہوا ہے۔)

2. The ascendent leader guided the team to victory. (ماورائی رہنما نے ٹیم کو کامیابی تک پہنچایا۔)

3. She has an ascendent position in the industry. (اس کی صنعت میں اعلیٰ حیثیت ہے۔)

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