
Appal Meaning in Urdu: افسوسناک ہونا

Appal is a verb that means to shock or horrify someone. It is pronounced as /əˈpɔːl/ in English. In Urdu, the meaning of appal is افسوسناک ہونا. It is a word that is commonly used to express deep disappointment or distress.

Synonyms of Appal:

  • Disturb (تشویش دینا)
  • Astonish (حیران کرنا)
  • Alarm (خطرہ)
  • Disgust (نفرت)

Antonyms of Appal:

  • Delight (خوشی)
  • Comfort (آرام)
  • Pleasure (خوشی)
  • Relieve (آرام دلانا)

Nearby Words:

  • Appalling (adjective) – افسوسناک
  • Appalled (adjective) – حیران
  • Appallingly (adverb) – افسوسناک طریقے سے
  • Appalls (verb) – افسوسناک ہونا

Origin of the Word Appal:

The word appal originated from the Old French word “apalir” which means “to grow pale” or “to turn pale.” It later evolved into the Middle English word “appallen” which means “to dismay” or “to make someone pale with shock or fear.”

Example Sentences:

  1. His cruel actions appal me. (اس کے ظالمانہ اعمال مجھے افسوسناک لگتے ہیں۔)
  2. The news of the accident appalled everyone. (حادثے کی خبر سب کو حیران کر دی۔)
  3. The horrific scenes in the movie appalled the audience. (فلم میں خوفناک مناظر نے ناظرین کو حیران کر دیا۔)

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