
Amount Meaning in Urdu: اقدار

Amount is a noun that refers to a quantity or total of something. In Urdu, it is commonly translated as “اقدار” which means quantity, measure, or extent.

Meanings of Amount in Urdu:

  • اقدار – Quantity, measure, extent
  • مقدار – Quantity, amount, magnitude
  • حد – Limit, boundary, extent

Synonyms of Amount:

  • Total – کل
  • Sum – مجموعہ
  • Aggregate – کل میں شامل کرنا

Antonyms of Amount:

  • Lack – کمی
  • Deficiency – کمی
  • Shortage – کمی

Nearby Words:

  • Amoral (Adjective) – غیر اخلاقی
  • Amorphous (Adjective) – بے شکل
  • Amortize (Verb) – قرض واپس کرنا

Origin of the Word Amount:

The word “amount” originated from the Old French word “amont” which means “upward” or “uphill.” It entered the English language in the 14th century and evolved to its current usage as a noun representing a quantity or total.

Example Sentences:

  1. The total amount of money collected was Rs. 10,000. (کل جمع شدہ رقم دس ہزار روپے تھی۔)
  2. Please pay the full amount by the end of the month. (براہ کرم مہینے کے آخر تک مکمل رقم ادا کریں۔)
  3. The amount of rainfall this year is significantly higher than last year. (اس سال بارش کی مقدار پچاس فیصد سے زیادہ ہے۔)

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