
Abbacies: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abbacies (pronounced ab-uh-seez) is a noun that refers to the plural form of the word “abbacy.” In Urdu, it can be translated as “ابائیت” or “ابائیتوں کا مقام”.

Origin of the Word Abbacies

The word “abbacies” originated from the Latin word “abbatia,” which means “abbey.” It entered the English language in the 14th century and has been used to describe the collective positions or offices of abbots or abbesses.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for abbacies include “abbeys,” “monasteries,” and “priories.” Antonyms for abbacies can be “secular institutions” or “non-religious organizations.” In Urdu, the antonyms can be translated as “علمی ادارے” or “غیر مذہبی تنظیمیں”.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abbacies include:

  • Abbacy (Noun) – ابائیت
  • Abba (Noun) – ابا
  • Abbess (Noun) – عورت کا عبادت گاہ کا سربراہ
  • Abbatical (Adjective) – عبادت گاہ سے متعلق

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using abbacies:

  1. The abbacies in the region have a rich history and cultural significance. (منطقے میں ابائیتوں کی ایک دلچسپ تاریخ اور ثقافتی اہمیت ہے۔)
  2. She was appointed as the head of the abbacies after years of dedicated service. (وہ مخلص خدمت کے سالوں بعد ابائیتوں کے سربراہ کے طور پر تعینات کی گئی۔)
  3. The abbacies played a crucial role in preserving ancient manuscripts. (ابائیتوں نے قدیم مخطوطات کی حفاظت میں اہم کردار ادا کیا۔)


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