
Agrarians: Pronunciation, Meaning in Urdu, Origin, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words


Agrarians is pronounced as “uh-grair-ee-uhns”.

Meaning in Urdu

Agrarians in Urdu can be translated as:

  1. زرعی (Zarai)
  2. کاشتکار (Kashtkaar)
  3. کسان (Kisaan)

Origin of the Word Agrarians

The word “agrarians” originated from the Latin word “agri” meaning “field” or “land”. It refers to individuals or groups who advocate for the rights and interests of farmers and agriculture.

Synonyms of Agrarians

Some synonyms of agrarians include:

  • Farmers
  • Agriculturists
  • Ruralists


Antonyms of agrarians with their meanings in Urdu:

  1. شہری (Shehri) – Urbanite
  2. صنعتی (Sanaati) – Industrialist
  3. تجارتی (Tijarti) – Merchant

Nearby Words

Some nearby words with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Agriculture Noun زراعت (Zaraat)
Agrarianism Noun زرعیت (Zaraiyat)
Agronomy Noun زرعیات (Zaraiyat)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. The agrarians were protesting for fair prices for their crops. (زرعیوں نے اپنی فصلوں کے لئے منصفانہ قیمتوں کے لئے احتجاج کیا۔)
  2. She comes from a family of agrarians, and farming is in her blood. (وہ زرعیوں کے ایک خاندان سے تعلق رکھتی ہے اور زراعت اس کے خون میں ہے۔)
  3. The government introduced new policies to support agrarian development. (حکومت نے زرعی ترقی کی حمایت کے لئے نئی پالیسیاں پیش کیں۔)

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