animal fat

Animal Fat Meaning in Urdu: Explained

Animal fat, known as “مویشی چربی” (Maweshi Charbi) in Urdu, refers to the fatty tissue found in animals. It is a common ingredient used in cooking, as well as in the production of various products such as soap, candles, and cosmetics.

Synonyms of Animal Fat:

  • Ghee – گھی
  • Tallow – چربی
  • Lard – مویشی چربی

Antonyms of Animal Fat:

  • Vegetable Oil – سبزی چربی
  • Olive Oil – زیتون کا تیل

Nearby Words:

  • Animal – جانور (Noun)
  • Fat – چربی (Noun)
  • Pronunciation – تلفظ (Noun)

Origin of the Word Animal Fat:

The word “animal” originates from the Latin word “animalis,” meaning “having breath or soul.” The word “fat” comes from the Old English word “fǣtt,” which means “fatty, plump.” The combination of these words gives us the term “animal fat.”

Examples Sentences:

  1. I prefer cooking with animal fat for its rich flavor. (میں مویشی چربی کے ساتھ پکانے کو ترجیح دیتا ہوں۔)
  2. She used animal fat to make homemade soap. (اس نے گھر میں بنا ہوا صابن بنانے کے لئے مویشی چربی استعمال کی۔)

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