
Abbess: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Pronunciation: [ab-is]

Meaning in Urdu:

  1. مادرِ روحانی (Mother of the Spirit)
  2. مادرِ روحانی کا عہدہ (Position of a Mother Superior)
  3. مادرِ روحانی کی عہدیداری (Responsibilities of a Mother Superior)

Origin of the Word Abbess

The word “abbess” originated from the Latin word “abbātissa,” which means “a woman superior.” It is derived from the word “abbas” (abbot) and the suffix “-issa” (feminine form).

Synonyms of Abbess

1. Mother Superior

2. Prioress

3. Reverend Mother

Antonyms of Abbess

1. Monk (راہب)

2. Friar (منتظر)

3. Brother (برادر)

Nearby Words

1. Abbey (Noun) – مذہبی عمارت (Religious Building)

2. Abbot (Noun) – مذہبی سربراہ (Religious Leader)

3. Abbe (Noun) – مذہبی عہدیدار (Religious Official)

Example Sentences

1. The abbess of the convent is highly respected in the community. (مذہبی عمارت کی مادرِ روحانی کو سماج میں بہت عزت دی جاتی ہے۔)

2. The abbess is responsible for the spiritual guidance of the nuns. (مادرِ روحانی ننیوں کے روحانی رہنمائی کے ذمہ دار ہیں۔)

3. The abbess leads the daily prayers in the convent. (مذہبی عمارت میں مادرِ روحانی روزانہ نمازیں پڑھاتی ہیں۔)

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