
Acrostics: A Fascinating Wordplay

Acrostics, pronounced as “uh-kraw-stiks,” are a form of wordplay that has been enjoyed for centuries. In Urdu, acrostics are known as “تشبیہی شعر” (Tashbeehi Shayari) or “حروفی شعر” (Harufi Shayari). These poetic puzzles are created by using the first letter of each line or verse to spell out a word or phrase.

Origin and History

The word “acrostics” is derived from the Greek word “akrostichis,” meaning “at the tip of the verse.” This literary technique dates back to ancient times and has been found in various cultures, including ancient Hebrew and Latin poetry.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for acrostics include “word puzzles,” “letter games,” and “hidden messages.” Antonyms for acrostics would be “straightforward writing” or “plain text.”

Nearby Words

  • Anagram: (noun) A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. (Urdu: ترتیب الفاظ)
  • Riddle: (noun) A question or statement that requires thought to answer or understand. (Urdu: پہیلی)
  • Pun: (noun) A play on words that exploits multiple meanings or similar sounds. (Urdu: مذاق)

Example Sentences

  • She cleverly crafted an acrostic poem using her name, Aisha. (وہ نے اپنے نام “عائشہ” کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے ایک تشبیہی شعر بنایا)
  • The hidden message in the acrostic revealed the secret treasure’s location. (تشبیہی شعر میں چھپی ہوئی پیغام نے خفیہ خزانے کی جگہ کا اعلان کیا)

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