
Apologized Meaning in Urdu: اعتذار کرنا

Apologized is the past tense of the verb “apologize,” which means to express regret or say sorry for a mistake, offense, or wrongdoing. In Urdu, the meaning of apologized is اعتذار کرنا.

Synonyms of Apologized:

  • Regret
  • Admit fault
  • Ask forgiveness
  • Make amends

Antonyms of Apologized:

  • Defend (مدافعت کرنا)
  • Justify (توجیح کرنا)
  • Refuse (انکار کرنا)
  • Deny (انکار کرنا)

Nearby Words:

  • Apologize (verb) – اعتذار کرنا
  • Apology (noun) – معذرت
  • Apologist (noun) – معتذر
  • Apologizing (gerund) – اعتذار کرنا

Origin of the Word Apologized:

The word “apologized” originated from the Greek word “apologeisthai,” which means to speak in defense or to offer a formal justification. Over time, its meaning evolved to express regret or seek forgiveness for one’s actions.

Example Sentences:

  1. He apologized for his rude behavior. (وہ اپنے بدتمیز رویے کے لئے معذرت کرتا رہا۔)
  2. She apologized to her friend for forgetting their lunch date. (اس نے اپنے دوست سے معذرت کی کہ اس نے ان کی لنچ ڈیٹ بھول گئی تھی۔)
  3. They apologized sincerely for the inconvenience caused. (انہوں نے پیدا ہونے والی تکلیف کے لئے خوشخبری سے معذرت کی۔)

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