
Address Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Address, pronounced as /əˈdrɛs/ in English, is a noun that refers to the location of a person, place, or thing. In Urdu, address can be translated as:

  • پتہ (pata)
  • عنوان (unwaan)
  • مکان (makaan)

Origin of the Word Address

The word “address” originated from the Middle English word “adres” which means “to direct one’s steps.” It can be traced back to the Old French word “adresser” and the Latin word “directus,” both of which carry the same meaning.

Synonyms of Address

Some synonyms of address include:

  • Location
  • Residence
  • Domicile
  • Destination
  • Site

Antonyms of Address

Antonyms of address in Urdu include:

  • بے پتہ (be pata) – No address
  • گمشدہ (gumshuda) – Lost
  • بے عنوان (be unwaan) – No title

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to address are:

  • Adjective – Addressable (قابلِ پتہ)
  • Verb – Addressed (تقریر کرنا)
  • Noun – Addresser (تقریر کنندہ)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using the word “address” in Urdu:

  • میں نے اپنا پتہ بدل دیا ہے۔ (I have changed my address.)
  • تفصیلات کے لئے عنوان پر مکتوب کریں۔ (Write it on the address for details.)
  • وہ ایک مشہور مکان پر رہتے ہیں۔ (They live at a famous address.)

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