auto biography

Auto Biography Meaning in Nepali: आत्मजीवन कथा, आत्मकथा, आत्मचरित्र, आत्मवृत्त, आत्मकथन

Nearby Words:

Noun: आत्मकथा (autobiography), जीवनी (biography), चरित्रकोश (biographical dictionary), जीवनचरित्र (life story), जीवनपरिचय (life introduction)

Verb: लेख्नु (to write), वर्णन गर्नु (to describe), वर्णन गर्नु (to narrate), वर्णन गर्नु (to depict), वर्णन गर्नु (to portray)

Part of Speech:




Auto Biography Synonyms:

Life story (जीवनी), Life history (जीवन इतिहास), Personal history (व्यक्तिगत इतिहास), Memoir (स्मृतिचित्र), Life account (जीवन खाता)

Description and Origination of Auto Biography:

An autobiography is a written account of a person’s life, written by that person themselves. It provides a detailed and personal insight into the author’s experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Autobiographies are often used to share personal stories, document historical events, and inspire others. The concept of autobiographies dates back to ancient times, with notable examples including “The Confessions” by Saint Augustine and “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank.


Biography (जीवनी), Fiction (कथा), Novel (नाटक), Fable (कथा), Myth (पौराणिक कथा)

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